Events and multi-purpose halls
Perfect performances on regupol sports hall floors
Our REGUPOLdynamic sports hall floors are also ideal multi-purpose floors. Their use in sports halls and multi-purpose arenas provide the load-bearing foundations for concerts, athletics meetings, exhibitions and other cultural, commercial, private and public events. Our multi-purpose floor systems are extremely hard-wearing and maintain their impact absorbing elasticity even under heavy loads and after many years of use. Street shoes, seating, spilled drinks pose no problems at all.
If you’re planning a new multi-purpose arena or you’d like to renew the old floor in an existing one, why not speak to our experts. We’ll be happy to help you select the right floor system for your multi-purpose project.
Our Products
For Events and multi-purpose use
REGUPOL sports hall floors – easy to clean, hygienic and low-maintenance
Seen in the long term, our REGUPOL dynamic sports hall floors are a worthwhile investment. The durability and load-bearing capacity of our floor systems reduce renovation work to a minimum. On top of this, the maintenance requirement for our floor systems in sports hall and multi-purpose arenas is extremely low. This makes them a hygienic, low-maintenance and long-lasting solution for your multi-purpose arena. And the coloured PUR coating means your sports hall floor can be laid in whatever colour you choose.

Your contact at REGUPOL
We're here to help.
Thomas Beitzel
REGUPOL Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Sales Director International