The perfect base for relaxation exercises
Yoga courses in fitness centres are increasingly becoming more popular. And no wonder, because relaxation and movement are an ideal way of compensating for the stress of everyday. Participants strengthen their concentration and body awareness, stabilise their posture and can use the movement sequences to alleviate physical problems. Yoga exercises at fitness centres are dynamic and challenging, strengthen the psyche and help participants to relax. This is precisely why a comfortable floor covering is important in your fitness studio yoga rooms. The elasticity of our REGUPOLeverroll fitness floors guarantees protection for the body and joints and they provide surfaces that are pleasantly soft. Your clients feel comfortable and can concentrate fully on their bodies and performing the movements correctly.
Our Products
For Yoga
Different floors for different needs
In yoga classes at fitness centres, participants learn how to better focus on themselves and achieve inner harmony using a range of techniques. The physical and spiritual teachings from India unite body, mind and soul, so that your customers develop a greater awareness of themselves. In our product range, we have different floorings for the different requirements in your yoga room. Our REGUPOL everroll fitness floors as rolls can be used as a permanent floor covering. Our REGUPOLeverroll mats are quicker to lay and remove. In your fitness centre, they can be used either individually or as one entire mat surface.

Your contact at REGUPOL
We're here to help.
Thomas Beitzel
REGUPOL Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Sales Director International