Where strength meets strength
This is all about power, endurance, mobility and coordination. In your Crossfit Box, the various sessions are completed without any longer breaks. Whether using body weight or mobile training equipment, in Crossfit the strain on an athlete’s body is enormous. To support your members during their training in your crossfit boxes, you can rely on the protective properties of our REGUPOLeverroll fitness floors. They are comfortable, while at the same time being extremely robust. In addition, you also have an attractive choice of dark decors for the Crossfit area in your fitness centre.
Do you have any questions on our REGUPOLeverroll fitness floors? Feel free to contact our experts directly. We’ll be happy to advise you.
Our Products
For Crossfit
Please pay attention to the Consumer Product Information for each decor group, which you can find on the product pages.
The basis for all crossfit training sessions
For body-weight based Crossfit training, our REGUPOLeverroll fitness floor eases the strain on the athletes’ bodies, because it is extremely comfortable. However, once heavy weights like kettlebells, barbells, tires or battle ropes are used, it’s not only about protecting the athletes. The substructure and reh screed floors in your fitness centre can also be damaged by heavy weights. That’s where our REGUPOL everroll fitness floor can provide protection from serious consequences. Especially for training with sleds our range also includes synthetic turf, which we can supply to fitness centres with an additional elastic layer, if required.

Your contact at REGUPOL
We're here to help.
Thomas Beitzel
REGUPOL Germany GmbH & Co. KG
Sales Director International