Rubber weight room flooring

Weight Room Flooring

Durable flooring for free weight training & weightlifting

Free weights training

Best weight room flooring to get your strong on

Unlike selectorized strength machines, free weights don’t restrict movement—this is great for building strength but also increases the risk of injury and damage to equipment. Dumbbells will bounce in odd directions and can easily hurt people. Kettlebells are sturdy, but everything has a breaking point. The impact of landing on hard concrete can snap the handle off. Weight drops are noisy, take a heavy toll on the floor, and speed up the need to purchase new equipment. Choosing the best weight room flooring for your facility will go a long way to protecting both gym members and the foundation.

Each recycled rubber fitness floor is custom-crafted to your specifications and delivers exceptional performance and safety. With REGUPOL, you can be confident that the weight room flooring you’ve selected supports the gym experience you want to create. From start to finish, we help guide you, ensuring you’ve made the best choice for your facility.

Our Products

For free weight training

REGUPOL aktivpro High-Performance Rubber Tiles

1-in x 24-in x 24-in tile
(Standard and ADA Reducer Available)

REGUPOL aktivplus High-Performance Rubber Flooring

1/2-in x 48-in wide rolls with In-Laid Platforms

Energy Restitution 80.2%
Force Reduction 19.7%

REGUPOL aktivplus premier High-Performance Rubber Flooring

3/4-in x 48-in wide rolls with in-laid platforms

Energy Restitution: 76.4%
Force Reduction: 23.6%

REGUPOL aktivpro roll High-Performance Rubber Flooring

Customizable 1-in Rolled Rubber Flooring System with In-Laid Platforms

Energy Restitution 56%
Force Reduction 43%

Build strength on a solid weight room floor

Dropping weights is certainly okay under certain circumstances. Using snatch or clean-and-jerk techniques, weightlifters raise heavy bars above their heads. After that, they drop them; the job is done. If you’re worried about the damage your weights or equipment may be doing to your floors, installing REGUPOL fitness flooring will do the trick. We have specially developed flooring systems in our product range that are ideal for these requirements. Our surfaces are strong, sturdy, and resilient—the perfect combination to increase stability, reduce body impact, and prevent injuries. The improved traction offered by our rubber flooring also allows lifters to dig deep and get the most from their lift.

Matthew Montano

Your contact at REGUPOL

We're here to help.

Matthew Montano
Sales Director
