Climbing halls

The products are extremely robust and safe and prove theirselves for many years in many climbing halls.

For indoors we offer two systems: REGUPOL climb 77 and REGUPOL climb 42.

Should there be an underfloor heating (existing or planned), we recommend our REGUPOL climb 42.

For outdoors we recommend our REGUPOL climb FX tiles and our REGUPOL climb fun outdoor flooring system.

Our REGUPOL climb 77 is noticeable softer and also provides a very high level of shock absorption. (especially for Falls up to the third securing = approx. five metres)

It is not suitable when underfloor heating should be used.

Our REGUPOL climb 42 is suitable for underfloor heating and delivers a good shock absorption as well.

Yes, both interior floors are suitable for that.

E.g. with white rubber crawler tracks (do not use black rubber crawler tracks as they will stain)  

The maximum load capacities according to the infosheet needs to be taken into account.

If you use a support arm, please use pressure distribution plates.

Please get in contact with us first before you drive on the floor for the first time.

You can choose from 16 Standard colours.
Also you can choose from 16 Design colours.

We need a level, dry and clean concrete or screed slab (levelness +/- 4 mm under the 4 m straight edge).

Yes, this is possible. If this is really practical should be discussed with a REGUPOL Expert.

This depends on the size of the project. You should plan with a minimum of one week due to the drying time of the liquid coats.

No, there are no special Legislations or Directives for the flooring of climbing halls.

The German Standard „DIN 12572-1:2017-05“ recommends the installation of shock absorbing floors.

The “climbing hall handbook” from the german DAV (Deutscher Alpen Verein) recommends a shock absorbing floor as well.

Fact is: Best available technology is a floor like REGUPOL climb!

No, our REGUPOL climb is not suitable for this because it is too hard. Proper (and standardised) Bouldermats need to be used.

e.g. the German based company Bänfer from Bad Wildungen are the experts in this field.

A regular Cleaning / maintenance is elementary for the performance of the flooring.

You get the first set of Cleaning solutions at final inspection. (at no charge)

REGUPOL is working very closely with various companies that built walls. We are happy to assist you projectrelated. Please get in contact with us for more information.

There is a Repair set available for small damages in the Top Layer.

Our installers must do the repair if the damage is quite large.

Thanks to their long service life, many of our floors have been in use for decades (appropriate usage assumed).

There are a lot of projects that prove this statement respectively are on the way to this period.

Should the floor become unsightly or show usage marks, a so called „Facelift“ (i.e. a new colour-coat / Coating) will enhance the floor-appearance.

No, this is not possible. Only REGUPOL installers can / are allowed to install the floor. REGUPOL is not using subcontractors.

Loose materials (such as sand, gravel etc.) undergo a productspecific spreading effect, this means you cannot guarantee that the required fallprotection is consistently provided.

Furthermore, handels and steps will become soiled and therefore wear off quicker.

Also the interior of the climbing hall will become soiled and cleaning has to happen more often.

A consistent fall protection (without further soiling of the interior) will be offered by our floors REGUPOL climb FX and REGUPOL climb fun.

For our „REGUPOL climb“ products the following waste codes should be used:

The waste key according to the European Waste Catalogue (EWC number) refers to the real wastes origin and therefore is not product- but use-oriented. List of proposed waste codes/waste designations in accordance with EWC for unglued / unsealed products: 07 02 99. Should the product be glued down or sealed, the EWC Code is 17 02 03.

More detailed information is available in the Safety Data Sheet from each product.

To make sure that all local legislation is being followed, please talk to your local disposal company.

Depending on the floorsystem, „Cfl s1“ or „Bfl s1“ will be reached. Please talk to a REGUPOL expert for more information.
