REGUPOL rubber flooring for physical therapy offices and studios.

Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Flooring

Flooring to support patients and physical therapists

Physical Therapy Flooring

Ergonomic flooring for Physcial Therapy Offices

As a physical therapist, the work is incredibly rewarding but also demanding. The work requires a lot of time spent standing, crouching, and bending. The ideal solution to address the discomfort of standing all day is our ergonomically designed REGUPOL aktiv roll rubber flooring or aktivlok rubber interlocking tiles. They offer a perfect balance of cushioning and support, relieving the strain of long hours on your feet.

Accidents such as slips, trips, and falls can occur. With the added cushioning of REGUPOL floors, every step taken by patients is supported by comfort, durability, and traction. Additionally, the shock absorption provided by aktiv and aktivlok helps protect against injuries when falls do occur.

Our Products

For Physical Therapy

REGUPOL aktiv Rolled Rubber Flooring

3/8-in x 48-in wide; other thicknesses are available; see the colors below.

Energy Restitution 85%-86%
Force Reduction 12.9%-13.7%

REGUPOL aktivlok Interlocking Rubber Tiles

3/8-in x 24-in x24-in
(Available in Borders, Centers, & Corners)

Energy Restitution 85%
Force Reduction 12.9%

Flooring to support patient and physcial therapist

Your choice in flooring can positively impact patient experience and satisfaction. REGUPOL rubber floors support joints, reduce noise, and prevent slips and falls. Additionally, our rubber floors won’t wear out, scratch, or stain. No matter the style, REGUPOL surfaces breathe color, pattern, and good-vibes-only into any space. With these benefits in mind, it's easy to see why rubber flooring is suitable in physical therapy offices. 

Matthew Montano

Your contact at REGUPOL

We're here to help.

Matthew Montano
Sales Director
