The ski shop is filled with a variety of equipment and merchandise to purchase. The shop is floored with REGUPOL rubber flooring, ensure safety and durability.

Rubber Flooring for ski and skate shops

Resilient floors for ski and skate retail shops

Ski and Skate Retail Shops

REGUPOL Aktiv and AktivPlus floors – comfort and style beneath your feet

Ski and ice skate retail shops are full of skiers, snowboarders, and ice skaters sorting out their equipment or adding the finishing touches. There’s a lot you can do to create a pleasant atmosphere - warm colors, pleasant lighting, seating, and much more. But don’t forget the flooring. At REGUPOL, we marry the elastic qualities of rubber with a wide range of textures and color combinations to deliver a beautiful, comfortable floor. Besides ergonomic qualities, our rubber floors deliver slip and stain resistance, easy-to-clean characteristics, sound absorption, and the result is increasing popularity in retail spaces. The low maintenance and contemporary look of REGUPOL aktiv and aktivplus is an attractive combination for virtually any ski resort space.

Our Products

For ski resort retail shops

REGUPOL aktiv for Winter Recreation

Winter-friendly recycled rubber is an excellent flooring choice for areas with high-volume foot traffic coming into facilities from the winter…

REGUPOL aktivplus for Winter Recreation

1/2-in thick rubber flooring designed to withstand wintry conditions and the havoc it creates for your flooring.

REGUPOL is safe and sound flooring

For employees on their feet at work, the days are long. The cushioned surface of REGUPOL aktiv and aktivplus floors provides comfort underfoot, making long hours of standing bearable. At the same time, our rubber floor surfaces offer excellent acoustic benefits. Unlike hard surfaces, rubber flooring is a bit softer and absorbs walking noise. The sound absorption of rubber is advantageous in ski retail, where customers come and go in heavy ski boots.

Beyond sound absorption, REGUPOL rubber floors are built for high impact. They are also water-resistant. Your REGUPOL rubber floor will hold up in the face of winter conditions.

Matthew Montano

Your contact at REGUPOL

We're here to help.

Matthew Montano
Sales Director
